Knowledge from Experts Directly from the Community

Where do I find suitable networking events for my field, what industry events fit my interests? If you have any individual questions, please feel free to get in touch with Belén Marinato and Catherine Launay from the Berlin Performing Arts Program.

If you have specific questions about the field of dance, then you are more than welcome to send an email to the team from TanzRaumBerlin:



Recommendations for the very best events

Juliane Wieland and Insun Jung from Theater Scoutings Berlin are more than happy to provide you with individual recommendations for current productions.

Or let yourself be inspired by specially compiled lists of events and dates from the respective disciplines contemporary circus, music theater and dance. On the website Berlin Bühnen, by the way, there is a comprehensive overview of current theater productions, discourse events, concerts and performances.

Finding Spaces

The Rehearsal Space Platform offers a comprehensive and central overview of the spaces that are available in Berlin – regardless of whether they will be used for a new production, performance workshops or rehearsals. If you have any questions, please contact Antonia Deckert directly.

A list of suitable rehearsal spaces especially for dancers can be found on the website TanzRaum Berlin. The rental conditions and capacities, however, must be discussed directly with the respective providers of the respective spaces.

Have You Already Been in Berlin for a Whole or Do You Live Here?

All guests are, of course, depending on their interests and the goals of their visits, are always also warmly invited to look through the formats that are explicitly intended for Berlin-based artists and culture makers and, in doing so, to allow unexpected synergies and new impulses to emerge as well.

The Information Center offers individual advisement sessions of all kinds especially for the performing arts. Questions can be asked and registrations can be made via the website and via email to beratung(at)