  • Theater
  • Performance
  • Discourse

Vierte Welt

In 2010, the actors group Lubricat initiated the founding of Vierte Welt at Kottbusser Tor, located in the Neues Zentrum Kreuzberg. Vierte Welt is a production platform organised by the artists themselves, as a performative space of thinking, as a cutting edge between discourse & art and as a location for events. The central aim is the development of new collaborative work situations. Vierte Welt tries to develop a production practice that is based on exchange with other artists and formations out of which “programmes” can emerge. Performances, political plenums, philosopher talks and exhibitions are filled up by the task to learn a new culture of negotiation, questions and an open exchange are enabled.

Number of seats: from 60 to 70
Number of stages: 1
Adalbertstraße 4
Neues Zentrum Kreuzberg, Galerie 1.OG
10999 Berlin